Introduction |
He was born in Kamakura, grew in Urayasu,
learnt in Waseda, and now, researches in Komaba. Ph.D. (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Professor, Research Division, The National
Center for University Entrance Examinations (alias, DNC) |
Theme |
Multivariate Analysis, Educational Engineering, Test Science Latent
Rank Theory (LRT), Neural Test Theory (NTT) Item
Response Theory (IRT), Classical Test Theory (CTT), Categorical Data Analysis Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM), Factor Analysis (FA), Asymmetric Multidimensional
Scaling (AMDS) Full-Information
Maximum Likelihood (FIML) Method, EM algorithm Genetic
Algorithm (GA), Spline, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) |
Social Activities |
of the Japan Association for Research in Testing (Aug. 2008-) Member
of Research Board of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology (Jan.
2015-) Member
of Working Committee of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan (Apr. 2006-Mar.
2009, Apr. 2015-) Member
of Editorial Board of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
(Apr. 2012-Mar. 2014) |
Awards |
Hayashi Award for Excellence by the Behaviormetric Society of Japan (2012) Good
Presentation Award by the Japan Association for Research on Testing (2011) Good
Paper Award by the Japan Association for Research on Testing (2007) Tadashi
Hidano & Kinji Mizuno Award by the Behaviormetirc Society of Japan (2004) |